Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The 2008 Society for American Archaeology Meetings - Vancouver 2008

The SAA will be holding its 73rd Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC Canada on March 26 - March 30, 2008. We are, once again, probably over represented at the meetings relative to our program size. But hey, who said we can't be ambitious? Below below are the times, locations, and dates of the CSULB faculty and students presenting at the meeting.

THURSDAY: March 27. 2008

Poster Session: New Approaches to Old Problems

Exhibit Hall (CC) Time: 8:00 AM–12:00 PM
Organizer: Carl Lipo

Veronica Harper, Jessica Jaynes, Carl Lipo and Robert Dunnell Beveled Projectile Points and Ballistics Technology

Jimmy Daniels and Carl LipoDigital Image Processing of Shell Temper Variability in Late Prehistoric Ceramics

Kristin Safi, Chris Watkins, Carl Lipo and Hector NeffLuminescence dating of prehistoric Hohokam irrigation canals using IRSL and SAR analyses

Brooke Hundtoft, Roberta Thomas and Carl LipoStylistic Analyses of Stemmed Obsidian Chipped Stone Tools on Easter Island

Madsen, Carl Lipo and Alex BentleySeriation Methods for
Inferring Social Network Structure From Archaeological Data

Will Gilstrap, Carl Lipo and Hector Neff—The Chronology and Variability of Etruscan Architectural Terracotta

Tony Quach and Hector Neff—Use Wear and Elemental Analysis of Lithic Microdrills from San Pedro, California

Symposium Interdisciplinary Studies of Archaeological Objects: Archaelogoy, Material Science and Conservation

19 (CC) Time: 2:00 PM–5:15 PM

Hector NeffDiscussant

Poster Session: Archaeometry and Artifact Studies in Mesoamerica and Middle America

Exhibit Hall (CC) Time: 6:00 PM–9:00 PM
Karl Holland, Janine Gasco, Hector Neff and Michael Glascock Instrumental Neutron Activation Elemental Analysis of Postclassic and Historic Period Pottery from the Soconusco Region, Chiapas, Mexico

FRIDIAY: March 28, 2008

Poster Session: Artifacts, Settlement, and Social Identity in the Southwest U.S.

Exhibit Hall (CC) Time: 8:00 AM–12:00 PM
Amy Tupa, Hector Neff and Myles MillerEl Paso Brownware Temper Sourcing

Symposium (Re)Constructuring Identity: The Archaeology of the Pacific Coast and Highlands of Chiapas and Guatemala

18 (CC) Time: 9:45 AM–12:30 PM

David CheethamCantón Corralito: An Early Olmec Colony in Global Perspective

10:30 Hector NeffWhat a Waste: Identity Construction in the Archaeological Record of Southern Mesoamerica

SATURDAY: March 29, 2008

Symposium the Formative Period in Mesoamerica: Views of Olman

11 (CC) Time: 8:00 AM–11:00 AM

Jeffrey Blomster and David CheethamSix Degrees of Olmec: Comparisons of Interaction with Olman in Oaxaca and Soconusco

Symposium Changing Polities, Economies, and Identities in Classic and Postclassic Central Mexico: Perspectives and Cerro Portezuelo

2 (CC) Time: 2:00 PM–5:00 PM

Christopher Garraty, Deborah Nichols and Hector NeffPostclassic and EarlyColonial Pottery Exchange in Cerro Portezuelo, Mexico

4:30 Deborah Nichols, Hector Neff and Destiny CriderCerro Portezuelo and the Development of Postclassic City-States in the Eastern Basin of Mexico

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