Whenever I think I have found the general set of tools for my computer that make me functional and effective, I come across another amazing bit of software out there that blows me away. This time I've stumbled onto uDig - a java based, eclipse rich GIS client. It is platform free and excellent. As they put it:
The goal of uDig is to provide a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing. uDig aims to be:
- User friendly, providing a familiar graphical environment for GIS users;
- Desktop located, running as a thick client, natively on Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux;
- Internet oriented, consuming standard (WMS, WFS, WCS) and de facto (GeoRSS, KML, tiles) geospatial web services; and,
- GIS ready, providing the framework on which complex analytical capabilities can be built, and gradually subsuming those capabilities into the main application.
With tools like this, ESRI folks should be worried - yeah, they provide the "industry standard" but with the prices they charge they better be offering something that makes one head spin -- and on every platform!
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